'I was first introduced to yoga in 2003, and at the time, looking for an alternative means of exercise to help with relaxation and a break from the wares of everyday life. In the years that followed, I found myself spending more and more time at the local leisure centre, undergoing all manner of different forms of exercise to try and combat the stresses of a high pressured job as well as juggling a young family. So in 2011, I decided to take a leap of faith in turning that passion into a profession by training to become a group fitness instructor. Having been an instructor for a few years now, I have been fortunate enough to gain experience in teaching a variety of different exercise disciplines, for a wide range of needs and abilities. The more experienced I was becoming in teaching group exercise, the more apparent it was becoming that my passion was really ignited whilst instructing mind and body classes and through my own personal yoga practice. It is as such that has lead me to where I am today and having undergone training in yoga and Pilates teaching, my inspiration is having the ability to share my passion, energy and knowledge with you".