Acupuncture is a form of oriental medicine that utilises very fine needles to regulate the flow of energy and blood within the body. Acupuncture is painless and totally hygienic, the needles are so fine that you probably won't even feel them being inserted. Most patients describe treatments as being relaxing. As a form of holistic medicine acupuncture needles are often placed in parts of the body that not near where the pain is. The forms of acupuncture that we rely heavily on mostly make use of points in the lower legs and lower arms. Frequently the aim with acupuncture is to stimulate the body's own healing and immune systems. In each of these areas we achieve very good results. If you are interested in receiving treatment for a condition not mentioned above please feel free to contact us to discuss whether acupuncture could help you. We will always provide an honest assessment at the start of any treatment and if we feel that acupuncture is unlikely to help you we will say so.