I first came across acupuncture when I was training to be a Midwife. At that time I was suffering with urticaria (nettle rash). Randomly, I would develop a rash in different parts of my body that looked like I had been stung by nettles. I tried everything to work out what was causing it, to no avail, so my only option was to take medication. The medication helped with the symptoms, but made me feel tired. If I stopped taking the medication the urticaria came back. A friend recommended acupuncture to me. The Acupuncturist explained to me that the medication was treating the symptoms but not the cause. My body was out of balance and needed adjusting at a deeper level in order to resolve the problem. The acupuncturist took a full medical history and asked lots of questions about me and my lifestyle. This created a picture for her of my health and, along with taking my pulse and looking at my tongue, she made a treatment plan. I have had regular acupuncture since then and have not experienced a recurrence of the symptoms.