We have worked at both RHS Chelsea Flower Show and Hampton Court Flower Show. In 2011 we were asked to plant Garden Designer Heather Appletons 'Kipling Garden at Hampton Court Flower Show, the garden was awarded a Gold medal by the judges. ​ The vision is simple. Create beautiful gardens full of colour and scent all year round using plants suited to your garden and personal style. ​​Often, all that's needed is a thorough weed, a good dose of compost and a some carefully chosen plants, (or even a whole truckload, it depends). All this can save you money and give you a totally new perspective on your biggest room! ​ Of course, if you have existing features you would like to keep, or alter, our experienced landscapers are on hand to clean up, relay or re-point that wobbly patio, path or wall for you.