A traditional acupuncture consultation encompasses the Yang Sheng approach to health and well being, which literally means 'nourishing life'. During each session (as and when needed) we will talk about how you're feeling, what you're eating and what your daily lifestyle is like. Soaring medical costs, drug side effects and inefficiencies in medical procedures have forced the British public to look into alternative medical disciplines. The last three decades have seen Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Classical Chinese medicine, primarily as acupuncture, take root in Britain as a promising alternative medical discipline. It offers a completely natural, efficient and economical way to take care of health. Acupuncture is one of the fastest growing alternative healing professions in the West. Due to the recent Advertising Standards Regulations, the Acupuncture Profession is now unable to use any western medical terminology. Please feel free to call me if you would like to check whether acupuncture can help you.