Acupuncture involves the insertion of ultra fine needles into certain points in the body, mostly on the lower arms and legs. Research into Acupuncture has shown that it is thought to stimulate the nervous system, induces analgesia (pain relief), protects the body against infections and regulates various physiological functions which promote physical and emotional changes. Evidence based clinical research shows acupuncture safely treats a wide range of common health problems. Coral has completed a four year BSc (Hons) degree in traditional acupuncture and has a full License to practice. As part of her training she studied western biomedical sciences including anatomy, physiology and pathology. She is committed to ensuring all patients receive the highest standard of professional care during their treatment. Coral follows the British Acupuncture Council's code of conduct, which governs ethical and professional behaviour and their Code of Safe practice which sets benchmark standards for best practice. She is committed to her professional development and regularly attends courses to ensure she is up to date with her skills and knowledge to ensure patients receive the best possible treatment.