Computer Repair Companies
in Droylsden

Looking for a computer repair company in Droylsden? Here you will find a comprehensive list of recommended computer repair companies with detailed business profiles, services, products, customer reviews and ratings. Get multiple free quotes!

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Recommended Computer Repair Companies

PCFixShop 01204 883136
Greater Manchester, Tottington, BL8 3GH

distance: (18.6 miles)
PCFixShop has been established in the North West of England since 2002 primarily in the provision of Computer maintenance, repair and upgrade. The business has been in existence much longer in the South East and London.
Mylo-Tek 01625 529677
Cheshire, Wilmslow, SK9 6DX

distance: (19.9 miles)
Mylo-Tek was formed by Andrew Fenton after leaving Halo International Systems Ltd. in 1999. He had been primarily involved with the development of Goodnews” a specialist computerised system for newsagents and the CTN market, both in multiples and independents.

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