Power up problem with a Titan GT80 6QF-236UK (GTX 980 SLI 18.5

Category: Computer Repair

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Published On: 16 Dec, 2019
Published By: L****** F********
Email Address: *****************@******.co.uk
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Location: *****all
Street Address: *******an, *t ***yan


My laptop was working up until yesterday, It was left plugged in as usual but when I returned a few hours later I found it had turned off-and it would not turn back on or boot up. It has a large power brick and when I checked it, its green light still came on, but only when not connected to the laptop. If connected the power brick light 'blinks once' then goes off; so, unfortunately, it seems like a short of some kind has developed inside the laptop. (power brick rated @330 watt) Its internal battery always charged up- but was never long-lasting if unplugged- lasting only 1-2 hours so has fully discharged. This laptop was purchased 'used' & working order online approx 5 months ago- so not under any guarantee- (now 4 years old from 2015). I did take a quick look online and found this type of laptop fault symptom could in some cases be an internal short circuit requiring possibly replacing the charging port & or mosfet transistors- but I'm sure you know more about all that than I do! Please let me know by email if you are able to fix this type of power problem and if so the approx cost. Thanks for helping! L. Fairbairn

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