Worthing Osteopathic & Wellbeing Clinic

Osteopath in Worthing, West Sussex

Business Info

Worthing Osteopathic & Wellbeing Clinic

Worthing Osteopathic Clinic has been established since 1993. The clinic has developed an excellent reputation across the Worthing area, based on our commitment to quality treatment.

We have changed premises to the Worthing Osteopathic & Wellbeing Clinic, in order to allow us to expand our services to include podiatry, acupuncture, sports massage, holistic therapies, counselling, psychotherapy, homoeopathy, hypnotherapy, beauty therapy, pilates and yoga.



Back pain is one of the most common complaints out there. Almost half of the UK adult population will report back pain which lasts more than 24 hours at some point each year.

There are many reasons for this condition, but having a previous history of back pain, doing heavy or repetitive work, having poor posture, being overweight, stressed, anxious or depressed can all contribute to it and in some cases maintain it too.

Back pain, especially when suffered for a long period, can impact hugely on your life at work, home and with relationships. It is estimated that around 8% of those with acute back pain will go on to develop chronic back pain. For this reason, it is advisable to start treatment early, to reduce pain, improve function and get your life back.

Osteopathy can help alleviate back pain by the use of hands-on techniques such as massage, joint mobilisation, stretching and dry needling. This can help to lessen spasm, improve movement and reduce pain and stiffness in muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons. The osteopath will also give you the advice to help lessen the symptoms and may prescribe exercises to perform to help both stretch and strengthen your body. They may advise on work station ergonomics, hot-cold treatments, sitting postures, supports and much more. Everything will be tailored to you and your individual needs.


As osteopaths, we are trained and experienced in treating neck pain. There are various techniques that we can use, which include soft tissue work (massage techniques), articulations, mobilisations, manipulations, stretches, postural exercises plus many other techniques and exercises. Treatments are tailor-made for the individual and to a certain extent can be patient-led in regards to which techniques can and can’t be used. For example, some patients are reluctant to have a neck manipulation as they view it as a dangerous technique.


We believe that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome is a physical disorder that leads to a build-up of toxins within the brain and the spine. The Perrin Technique has been developed to diagnose CFS/ ME by identifying definite physical signs and to treat the disorder by improving drainage of these poisons from the central nervous system.

Raymond Perrin’s research at Salford University in conjunction with the University of Manchester has provided strong evidence that an important component of CFS / ME involves a disturbance of lymphatic drainage of the brain and muscles. The osteopathic treatment developed by Raymond Perrin has been statistically validated in both clinical trials, emphasising the need to focus future research on the biomechanical aspects of this disorder.

Further investigation has identified a probable cause of the nervous system being overloaded due to a build-up in toxins in the fluid around the brain and the spinal cord. Some of the poisons caused by infection or inflammation in the head or spine flow through perforations in a bony plate (cribriform plate) just above the nasal sinuses into the lymph ducts of the face and neck. The toxins are also meant to drain down the spinal cord and out into the lymph ducts lying along the spine. In a CFS / ME sufferer, these normal drainage points are congested.

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Contact Details

Worthing Osteopathic & Wellbeing Clinic
Office: Worthing
01903 366 260
Address: 140 South Street, Worthing, BN14 7NB
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