Colonic hydrotherapy also known as Colonic Irrigation is a treatment which has been used for thousands of years all over the world to help cleanse the large bowel or colon. This natural treatment uses warm filtered water which is gently introduced into the colon, and massage to help cleanse and detox the colon, whilst improving the bowels ability to function effectively on its own. (Read more what is colonic hydrotherapy) In Greek mythology it is believed the peony was named after Paeon who was a healing deity and physician to the Gods. He received the flower on Mount Olympus from Apollo’s mother and healed the wounds of Hades and Ares. He was “saved” by Zeus from the fate of dying as other mortals by being turned into the flower we know today as the Peony. The Peony therefore is believed to have healing qualities. My name is Amanda Cutler; I am a qualified registered general nurse and have been practicing since 1997.I have worked in various clinical specialties but more recently with Allergy medical UK, a private clinic specialising in the diagnosis and treatment of allergies and intolerances, under the medical director Dr. Apelles Econs. My eight years there were spent helping clients who had “been everywhere” within the NHS and also to many other “alternative” therapists, but were still suffering from their symptoms.