I began studing massage therapy in 2011 because I was intrigued by its simple yet profound effect on calming the mind and easing muscular tension. Having studied and worked as a medical doctor for 10 years, I have seen what our bodies get up to during stress and disease. Interestingly, much of this is caused by our lifestyles; rushing around, eating on the hoof, poor posture, our sedentary work and even our hobbies. There is so much we can do to ease this burden on ourselves and, with my knowledge of anatomy and healing hands, I am ready to help you recognize this. I have always been a keen sports-person, from captaining team sports at school to running competitively at junior national level and more recent escapades in triathlon, including a 1/2 ironman distance race in 2013. As such I have first hand experience of how our bodies respond to different types of exercise and I have also treated many local athletes.