Osteopaths are trained to recognise and treat a number of causes of pain and dysfunction and all osteopaths are recognised under the auspices of the `Osteopaths Act` (1993). Further information relating to how osteopaths treat, the philosophy behind treatment and also what to expect when visiting an osteopath can be found in our FAQs section. More information is available at the osteopathic information pages or you can phone me to discuss any aspects of treatment on t: 01491-838866 . Rohan Iswariah D.O. is a fully trained osteopath, registered with the General Osteopathic Council since its inaugeration in May 2000. I gained my qualification from The British School Of Osteopathy in 1983 and have been in full time practice treating all age groups for a wide range of conditions ever since. All osteopaths are required to undertake regular development and training (CPD). Here is a list of courses and lectures that I have attended since 2004 as part of a continual learning and advancement process.