We get you thoroughly nourished from within by removing the problem food(s), correcting underlying imbalances and healing the damage done. Our weight loss and IBS programmes are available online and in our clinic in Braintree, Essex. Have a browse and schedule a phone call with us if you’d like to have a chat. I’ll help you to get your dream body, supercharge your energy and overcome frustrating symptoms like bloating, bowel problems, skin complaints and much more. When I first began practising nutrition, I struggled to help my clients achieve significant weight loss; they were doing all the right things but just weren’t seeing results. I now know that there is SO much more to health and weight management than simply eating less and exercising more. There are SO many factors that can get in your way; hormones, blood sugars, gut bacteria and inflammation are the key areas of imbalance that can impact metabolism. Add to this willpower and cravings and you can start you understand why weight loss can be such a challenge.