The BACP Service Accreditation helps the public and practitioners identify services providing a high standard of counselling and psychotherapy. It sets the standard to which all counselling and psychotherapy services can aspire to and demonstrates a commitment to excellence. Lewis Psychology provide a large range of psychological therapies for individuals, couples and businesses in Wolverhampton and throughout the West Midlands. Expert coaching and training services are also provided for customers looking to promote personal development or enhance work performance. Our services are open to customers age 16 and over. Lewis Psychology CIC is a multi-award winning social enterprise that uses commercial expertise to achieve maximum community impact. We are a not-for-personal-profit organisation that trades and earns money whilst providing psychological health services, health education, employment and other benefits to the community. Rather than dividing profit between share holders all of our profits are used to expand the services that we provide and generate employment for local people. We provide essential community services and create economic growth at the same time.