Kerry Guy Garden Design

Gardening Company in Wedmore, Somerset

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Kerry Guy Garden Design

Working from an accurate survey of your property and a comprehensive brief from yourself, an Outline Plan is drawn up, which will show the proposed design ideas. This process takes account of fundamental design principles and applies them to your situation and set of priorities. Again this can be very good value for money since the plan can be used as the starting point for construction of the new garden as well as being a reference for the future. Once the basic design and structure of the garden is established, good planting plans will make all the difference to the look and feel of the garden and determine its manageability. Planting plans are drawn to scale and take into account the desired style of the area to be planted, the ultimate size of the plants, colour, texture and suitability to soil and climate conditions.

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Contact Details

Kerry Guy Garden Design
Office: Wedmore
01934 713127
Address: 1 Saint Medard Road, Wedmore, BS28 4AY
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