I was lucky enough to discover acupuncture for myself nearly thirty years ago and as a result went on to study at the London School of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (now part of the University of Westminster). I have been in practice ever since and feel extremely fortunate to have been able to share the benefits of acupuncture with so many people during that time. I believe that Acupuncture can have a profound effect on both the mind and body, bringing them both into harmony and promoting a sense of physical and mental wellbeing. As an acupuncturist I have been trained to treat many different conditions – everything from pain relief due to physical injury or disease to the more complex issues of insomnia, anxiety and other stress-related conditions. Members of the British Acupuncture Council are required to undertake a statutory number of hours of continuing professional development every year. Not only does this provide an opportunity for members to keep their practical skills up to date, but it also ensures that we stay abreast of any new developments and are up to date on the latest ideas as to how acupuncture can be incorporated within current more wide-ranging theories of health and wellbeing.