Acupuncture is one of the treatments. It is not a “cult” but is authenticated by modern science. Having proved its value during some 4,000 years in China it is now rapidly gaining recognition throughout the world. It is well received by the medical profession on the continent of Europe, working excellently in clinical practice and used in France and Germany by a large number of practitioners in hospitals and private practice. But patients are individuals, not machines, and there is no wonder clinical cure for all ailments. Mr. Patrick Hammond was born in Maidstone, Kent and has lived there all his life. He was in the National Health Service since 1963 and qualified in Acupuncture in 1979 studying at the British Acupuncture Association. He has his own surgery in the town since 1979 and has also worked in many other parts of Kent and London during this time at other surgeries in the Medway area. House calls have taken him to many of the local areas.