We provide a tailor-made service specific to each site taking into consideration any geo-environmental issues that may be associated with the development area. Geo Environmental Engineering is proud to be part of an established UK based drilling company, allowing us unrivalled access to modern drilling and sampling equipment with suitably qualified and experienced operators. This close working relationship results in reduced timescales and cost savings for our clients. Geo Environmental Engineering is an established geotechnical and environmental consultancy serving the whole of the UK, with a highly experienced and motivated team capable of providing your company with a tailor-made, site specific, comprehensive site assessment and consultancy service. We have enjoyed working with a wide range of clients on a variety of development projects across the whole of the UK over the last 10 years adopting a professional, enthusiastic and friendly approach, utilising up-to-the minute technical innovation and always demonstrating great attention to detail. We undertake and encourage personal continual professional development (CPD) to ensure that Geo Environmental Engineering is conversant with the latest investigation/assessment techniques, with particular attention made to new guidance, regulations and best working practices, ensuring that Geo Environmental Engineering and our partners remain at the leading edge of our respective professions.