You can rely on our forklift instructors to visit your site at a time convenient for you. The instructor will provide training based on the type of forklift truck in use and the operator's experience level.
Operator trained to HSE standard will be registered on a database (fully compliant with GDPR).
Certificate and optional photo ID card will be issued. This ID card will carry a QR code, that can be scanned to open the database.
The database will show when and what training the operator has undertaken, on what groups of equipment and when further refresher training should be undertaken.
B1 Counterbalance training on our premises.
Novice – Beginner (for the operator with no or little experience)
£400 per operator
Experienced operator (for the operator with experience but no formal training)
£300 per operator
Refresher (to maintain good driving habits HSE recommends to reassess operator abilities every 3 – 5 years)
£150 per operator
Conversion training (for the operator with accredited certificate and skill to operate the other type of forklift truck)
£200 per operator
After the training:
Forklift operators are trained to HSE standards and will then be registered on a database (fully compliant with GDPR). Certificate and optional photo ID card will be issued. This ID card will carry a QR code, that can be scanned to open the database.
The database will show when and what training the operator has undertaken, on what groups of equipment and when further refresher training should be undertaken.
A lot of people looks at pallet trucks mistakenly, due to their compact size.
Yes, it looks small, but if you look to the capabilities of the truck, it can lift and move around 1000 – 2000 kg loads.
Years ago, I worked in a sauce factory, where we used electric pallet trucks without any training. One day, my colleague was loading a lorry from the ramp using a pallet truck, when he tried to deposit last 2 pallets, the pallets were overhanging the trailer. So my colleague decided to use a pallet truck to push the loads further. He was driving forward with a loaded pallet truck, hitting the load inside the trailer, then reversing whilst walking backwards and hitting the load again.
The dispatch area was overloaded and there was a 1000 kg. load behind my colleague. One time he reversed too far, trapping his foot between a 1000 kg. load and travelling at speed loaded pallet truck. You could actually hear the hit.