You will be able to spend the money you get from a payday loan on anything you want, but there are certain things that you should avoid spending it on. It’s never a good idea to take out a payday loan just for going shopping at the mall or buying something you really don’t need. There is a big difference between something you want and something you need, and it’s important to keep that in mind before applying for one of these loans. When an emergency expense of some kind suddenly pops up, you will be glad that you have quick loans as a borrowing option. Unfortunately sometimes big expense can come out of nowhere in life, and many people don’t have the money to cover them right away. If you don’t have the cash to take care of your emergency expense, it is highly recommended that you fill out an application for a payday loan. These loans can definitely be helpful when you are trying to pay for something really important like a car or home repair. If your refrigerator or washer at home suddenly breaks down but you don’t have the money to get it fixed, a payday loan is an effective solution that will allow you to get the money you need right away.