Book an MOT online now with our amazing, real-time MOT booking system. Just select the date and time that suits you from our live, online booking diary. Booking an MOT couldn't be easier with this 24/7 interactive system. Just click on the vehicle that closest matches yours and follow the on-screen instructions. Bond Imparts is run by Doug Bond; a mechanic of over 30 years of experience. After running garages throughout Cheltenham in various areas of the town, the latest workshops are situated in the Vineyards Industrial Estate. In 2005, after a few years of running a single unit, Bond Imparts took over the next-door unit to open their own MOT Test Bay. Doug runs the MOT station with Joe and Jayne Bond handling office and general duties. Mechanics, Jon Beresford and Craig Moore work on car services and other general repairs in the servicing bay.