Acupuncture is an ancient form of medicine based on the principle of energy called ‘qi’ (pronounced ‘chee’). When our qi is balanced and full we feel well but if it becomes blocked or stuck then we feel pain or ill. The principle of acupuncture is to unblock and boost qi so that we become pain free and well. If you are unfamiliar with acupuncture, the treatment involves the insertion of fine needles into specific acupuncture points located along meridians or channels that circulate qi around the body. By doing this a traditional acupuncturist the free flow of qi is re-established in order to restore balance within the body and trigger its natural healing response. Acupuncture can bring relief to a wide variety of ailments including stress, anxiety and pain. However, good health can only be achieved by addressing the whole body and not just the presenting symptoms. Naturopathy, when combined with acupuncture, can greatly assist the healing process by techniques such as dietary advice, Bach Flower remedies, exercise advice and massage.