Room cleaning

Category: Cleaning

Quote Details

Full quote details are available only for premium businesses.
Published On: 26 Nov, 2019
Published By: M****** S****
Email Address: **********@*****
Phone Number: **490 ***654
Location: ***ham
Street Address: * *****oot ***nue


I will move to a new house on Sunday and I would like a professional cleaning of the room (in and out furniture, hovering, make bed, etc.), properly cleaned, also the shelves in the kitchen (2 or 3 as I need to clean only the ones I use). The house is shared but I need the cleaning only for the room and I would need it for Sunday 1st December. Could you please give me a quotation? I look forward to hearing from you. As I am at work, you can reply as soon as you can via email. Kind regards, Martina

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