End of tenancy - quote

Category: Cleaning

Quote Details

Full quote details are available only for premium businesses.
Published On: 09 Jan, 2020
Published By: L***** A******
Email Address: ********@*****l.com
Phone Number: **717 ***728
Location: ***don
Street Address: *


Please provide a quote for an end of tenancy clean in respect of the following property details: 1. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom 2. 1 x under stairs storage space, living room, kitchen 3. 1 x flight of stairs 4. Single oven with 5 gas burner hob 5. American style fridge/freezer 6. Only deep hoovering for carpets required (no steam cleaning) 6. No upholstery cleaning required 7. 4 x roller blinds (1 x living room, 2 x main bedroom, 1 x spare bedroom)

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