
Category: Building Materials

Quote Details

Full quote details are available only for premium businesses.
Published On: 06 Apr, 2020
Published By: S***** T*****
Email Address: ****@******london
Phone Number: **399 ***613
Location: ****don
Street Address: **ite *2 ******nge ***se, *16 ****ham *oad


Please can you provide me with a quote for the following items? And would it be possible to have them delivered our site in Camden 1A Hurdwick Place NW1 2JE? 4 Jumbo Bags of Sand 10 bags of cement 1 box of cavity wall tiles 30 2x4x3000 meter timbers 30 2x6x300- meter timbers 8 2x8x3000 meter timbers 2000 screws 5x80 100 Screws 5x100 2000 Screws 5x50 2000 drywall screws 4x32 2000 drywall screws 4x42 8 buckets of white paint.

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