Florists in

Looking for a florist in Penzance? Here you will find a comprehensive list of recommended florists with detailed business profiles, services, products, customer reviews and ratings. Get multiple free quotes!

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Recommended Florists

Wheal Sara Flowers 01736 797788
Cornwall, St Ives, TR26 1SP

distance: (11.9 miles)
Established in 2003, Wheal Sara Flowers is a small, innovative, award winning independent designer florist shop located in the stunning, picturesque seaside town of St.Ives in Cornwall.
Flowertime Florist 01736 757006
Cornwall, Hayle, TR27 4BQ

distance: (12.1 miles)
Flowertime Florist was established on the 18th September, 1989. The business was founded by Mark Nicholas and as the business has expanded and grown Mark’s wife Rebecca, also a qualified florist, has joined the team making Flowertime a successful locally run family business.
The Sweet Pea 01326 572243
Cornwall, Helston, TR13 8AA

distance: (19.6 miles)
So chuffed to announce we have been nominated for Retail florist of the year & Florist website of the year by the British Florist Association!! We would love to win and would apprectaite your vote. So to vote click the image on the right and please vote in Both website of the year and retail shop of the year thank you!