Florists in

Looking for a florist in Herefordshire? Here you will find a comprehensive list of recommended florists with detailed business profiles, services, products, customer reviews and ratings. Get multiple free quotes!

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Recommended Florists

The Garden Florist Hereford 07584 502049
The garden florist offers ‘flowers with flair’, garden styled flowers across Lincolnshire for all of your floral needs. We also offer a range of workshops in; gardening, garden design and floral techniques along with, one to one tuition and ‘Floral Flair Parties' for special occasions.
The Flower House 01989 566200
We specialise in unusual and exotic flowers and foliage and always stock a wide variety, and by making regular trips to Europe, we keep right up to date with the new varieties and designs that become available.
Oops-A-Daisy 01531 635607
With over 35 years combined floristry experience, this makes Oops A Daisy Ledbury’s leading and most established florist. Whatever the occasion we can help to create your perfect gift, with stylish and creative floristry tailored to your individual requirements. We pride ourselves in providing top quality flowers with First class customer service every time.