Florists in
Bury St Edmunds

Looking for a florist in Bury St Edmunds? Here you will find a comprehensive list of recommended florists with detailed business profiles, services, products, customer reviews and ratings. Get multiple free quotes!

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Recommended Florists

Susette's Flowers 01284 766477
Suffolk, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1SJ

distance: (3.1 miles)
Here at Susettes Flowers, Bury St Edmunds we have one aim in mind, to create simple, stylish & beautifully presented flowers. When we established in 1964, we knew people would love our concept, drawing from many years of experience; with a strong sense of colour and design. Along with our genuine passion for flowers, its has proved to be our winning combination.
Tollys Flowers 01638 668805
Suffolk, Newmarket, CB8 8DH

distance: (17.6 miles)
Tolly's Flowers work locally and internationally to provide stunning floral arrangements for all memorable occasions, specialising in wedding flowers, funeral flowers, occasion flowers and flowers for parties and corporate events.