Florists in

Looking for a florist in Yeovil? Here you will find a comprehensive list of recommended florists with detailed business profiles, services, products, customer reviews and ratings. Get multiple free quotes!

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Recommended Florists

Occasions Florist 01935 814308
Somerset, Yeovil, DT9 3PU

distance: (8.2 miles)
We offer a wide range of flowers and floral gifts from hand tied bouquets to plants and tributes, serving customers throughout the Dorset and Somerset area. We combine contemporary and traditional floristry with great service and a wide choice of only the freshest flowers to create innovative and inspirational designs.
The Flower Loft - Florist Martock, Yeovil 01935 823168
Somerset, Martock, TA12 6EJ

distance: (9.8 miles)
I have a passion for all things floral, I love creating bespoke bouquets or bunch's of flowers and wrapping them with our natural papers and raffia to turn them into gorgeous gifts. All of my bouquets are made complete with a water source to keep the flowers as fresh as possible.
Rodfords 01460 72584
Somerset, Crewkerne, TA18 7LG

distance: (13.4 miles)
They have an excellent reputation for supplying creative floral arrangements for every occasion, and can make each one more personal with the addition of balloons, teddies, chocolate or even champagne.
Julia Moore Floral Designs 01963 351895
Somerset, Castle Cary, BA7 7DT

distance: (17.3 miles)
Here at Julia Moore Floral Designs, we are proud to be able to call ourselves wedding and event specialists, with over 25 years experience we are confident we can style your wedding venue and create your wedding flowers that you and your guests will never forget.
Cottage Flowers 01460 53020
Somerset, Ilminster, TA19 0AJ

distance: (19.5 miles)
We are passionate about what we do and our love for colour, our countryside and all things floral serve as inspiration for all of our distinct designs; from charming, rustic and typically English to something a little more contemporary. The team at Cottage Flowers, Ilminster have the imagination and experience to provide show stopping creations to make any event or occasion truly special.