Florists in
King's Lynn

Looking for a florist in King's Lynn? Here you will find a comprehensive list of recommended florists with detailed business profiles, services, products, customer reviews and ratings. Get multiple free quotes!

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Recommended Florists

Flower Corner 01553 774544
Norfolk, King's Lynn, PE30 1AG

distance: (1.3 miles)
From quality floral arrangements to beautiful trinkets and gifts, Elizabeth the Florist and Flower Corner have something to suit your every need. Situated in the heart of Downham Market and King’s Lynn we are easily accessible and always happy to assist you with flowers for any occasion.
Elizabeth The Florist 01366 384414
Norfolk, Downham Market, PE38 9DW

distance: (16.4 miles)
From quality floral arrangements to beautiful trinkets and gifts, Elizabeth the Florist and Flower Corner have something to suit your every need. Situated in the heart of Downham Market and King’s Lynn we are easily accessible and always happy to assist you with flowers for any occasion.
The Country Garden Florist 01945 429598
Cambridgeshire, Wisbech, PE13 1EX

distance: (17.7 miles)
At The Country Garden Florist Peterborough, I constantly strive to push the creative boundaries of my floristry, and delight in bringing new ideas to each and every wedding I design. Each piece I work on, from your bouquet, to your table flowers and that jaw-dropping floral installation, is a reflection of your personalities, and I endeavour to make every floral moment say something about you.