Air Conditioning Companies
in Chorley

Looking for an air conditioning company in Chorley? Here you will find a comprehensive list of recommended air conditioning companies with detailed business profiles, services, products, customer reviews and ratings. Get multiple free quotes!

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Recommended Air Conditioning Companies

Climate Control Installations 01204 522311
Greater Manchester, Bolton, BL3 1AS

distance: (17.4 miles)
Welcome to Climate Control Installations Ltd., heating and cooling installation and maintenance specialists based in Bolton, Greater Manchester. We supply and install the latest and most efficient technology to heat, cool, and ventilate every type of space from large commercial and industrial spaces to smaller retail and office units.
Cosaf Environments 01942 680080
Greater Manchester, Leigh, WN7 2NP

distance: (19.7 miles)
With over 30 years of heritage, Cosaf remains driven to provide low energy/low carbon building environment solutions, with expertise in evaporative cooling, natural ventilation and air conditioning we look back on our milestones in order to continue to maintain our lead in innovative HVAC solutions.

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