Looking for a psychotherapist in East Midlands? Here you will find a comprehensive list of recommended psychotherapists with detailed business profiles, services, products, customer reviews and ratings. Get multiple free quotes!
Our 1-day Sleep and Dreams workshop shows you how to help clients improve their sleep quickly and effectively and how to understand and use dreams within a therapeutic setting. The day is practical and full of activities and discussion. We explore the contribution of Freud, Jung and Irving Yalom and analyse sleep patterns and dreams of participants.
In a world full of stress and pressure, for people of all ages, sometimes help is needed to get your life back on track. Hypnotherapy and NLP are known to be among the most effective treatment available.
All our practitioners are fully insured and supervised. We work in a way that recognises the respective strengths of our different backgrounds and interests and share an intention to offer clients the best service possible. Fees are set by each individual practitioner in accordance with the style of working and professional background.
As a qualified counsellor and psychotherapist (BACP Registered and Senior Accredited), I offer both brief focused and longer-term private counselling and psychotherapy from my Leicester practice (LE1).
I am a well established Psychotherapist working from my home-office in Deeping St James, Peterborough. I am situated at a convenient spot for people visiting from Peterborough, Stamford, Bourne, Spalding and the surrounding towns and villages.
We are highly qualified counsellors who are passionate about psychological & emotional well-being. Showing vulnerability with someone and opening up difficult and painful material is easier said than done. Therefore it is important to find the right counsellor for you. Our Counselling service offers a safe, confidential and non-judgemental environment to explore and make sense of your experiences.
My name is Ian Hibberson and I am a fully qualified and experienced Person-Centred Counsellor and Psychotherapist working in private practice from my home in Nottingham. I am a graduate in Humanistic Counselling practice from the University of Nottingham.
We all have emotional needs and the innate resources to help us meet these needs. When we become angry, anxious, depressed, lose confidence or suffer with confusion and stress we have developed unhealthy and ineffective coping strategies.
Empathy Counselling in Nottingham has been providing counselling and psychological support since 2005 to people who have times in their life when they feel stressed, vulnerable and overwhelmed and wants to talk to a professional in confidence to help them put things in prospective in safe environment.
EPS(UK)Ltd is focused on applying high quality, psychological expertise over a range of situations and contexts in order to help individuals, groups or organisations move closer to achieving their potential and thereby enhance their life chances and happiness.