in Thornton

Looking for a psychotherapist in Thornton? Here you will find a comprehensive list of recommended psychotherapists with detailed business profiles, services, products, customer reviews and ratings. Get multiple free quotes!

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Recommended Psychotherapists

Helen Rowland Counselling 07949 524819
North Yorkshire, Skipton, BD23 1NL

distance: (9.3 miles)
We instinctively know that talking helps. Friends, relatives and partners can all do their bit. But sometimes — just sometimes — we need to talk with someone who is trained to help us move forward.
National Register Of Hypnotherapists 01282 716839
Lancashire, Nelson, BB9 7JS

distance: (11.6 miles)
NRHP maintains a register of hypno-psychotherapists and psychotherapists with the aim of promoting the skilled use of of psychotherapy by properly trained and regulated practitioners.
East Lancs HG Counselling 07837 108269
Lancashire, Clitheroe, BB7 1AD

distance: (17.1 miles)
I hope you find the following information helpful. The service was set up in 2010. I have over 35 years experience of working within the NHS and Private Practice.
Julie Ellison MA DHP 07904 477044
Lancashire, Burnley, BB11 3EL

distance: (17.4 miles)
The one constant driver throughout my life has been to understand myself and grow on a psychological and spiritual level. Long before I knew there was such a thing as gnosticism, this felt like an absolute imperative for me. I have made mistakes, repeated experiences and revisited many issues, each time peeling away another layer and seeing things on a deeper level.

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