in Carmarthenshire

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Recommended Psychotherapists

3DTA Training Institute 01558 685066
'3DTA ' stands for 3 dimensional Transactional Analysis and comes from the DVD I developed in 2005 as an Introduction to the concepts of TA. It seemed a natural progression to name the Training Institute after it. The aim of 'The 3DTA Institute' was to provide the 3 dimensions of Clinical TA; Training, Supervision and Therapy in a warm welcoming environment. This has now extended to include Mindfulness training... The '3DTA Training and Mindfulness Institute'.
Margaret Akmakjian-pitz 01994 232142
Counselling is constructive talking, through which stress and emotional difficulties can be relieved. Always in complete confidence, counselling offers a confidential listening service from a neutral standpoint and without judgement or condemnation. Often just talking to someone trained, experienced and neutral can ease the intensity of unpleasant feelings and lead to solutions and resolution in just a few sessions. Sometimes a single session can help.

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