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As a counsellor I will not provide answers but will help you to gain understanding of your thoughts and feelings in a safe and confidential environment. From this you will be in a position to identify and move towards actions that help you deal with your experiences, or find ways of coping with things you cannot or do not wish to change.
We all have emotional needs and the innate resources to help us meet these needs. When we become angry, anxious, depressed, lose confidence or suffer with confusion and stress we have developed unhealthy and ineffective coping strategies.
As a qualified counsellor and psychotherapist (BACP Registered and Senior Accredited), I offer both brief focused and longer-term private counselling and psychotherapy from my Leicester practice (LE1).
My name is Ian Hibberson and I am a fully qualified and experienced Person-Centred Counsellor and Psychotherapist working in private practice from my home in Nottingham. I am a graduate in Humanistic Counselling practice from the University of Nottingham.