in Tyne and Wear

Looking for a psychotherapist in Tyne and Wear? Here you will find a comprehensive list of recommended psychotherapists with detailed business profiles, services, products, customer reviews and ratings. Get multiple free quotes!

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Recommended Psychotherapists

Psychometric Test Training 01580 930289
Setting the modern standard in online psychometric assessment, The Psychometric Portal® enables the administration of aptitude and personality assessments, 360 appraisal, culture & engagement assessment and job analysis /candidate matching.
Norfolk Clinic 0191 510 2228
I have provided counselling and hypnotherapy services at Norfolk Clinic Private Practice for 29 years. My qualifications and experience include both undergraduate and post-graduate doctorate training in psychology and counselling psychology with University of Sunderland and University of Teesside. I am a Graduate Member of the British Psychological Society (BPS) (MBPsS) and a Divisional Member of Counselling Psychology (DCP).
Serene Psychology 07384552679
Serene Psychology offers tailored therapy using a trauma-informed approach, including face-to-face and online sessions. Serene Psychology specializes in trauma and PTSD, with the aim of empowering trauma victims and survivors.

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