Looking for a physiotherapist in Partington? Here you will find a comprehensive list of recommended physiotherapists with detailed business profiles, services, products, customer reviews and ratings. Get multiple free quotes!
Situated in Prestwich, North Manchester, and just south of Bury on the A665, we are a team of chartered physiotherapists working as part of a multi-disciplinary clinic.
Frances qualified as a physiotherapist back in 1982. She has over 30 years experience and still finds the job exciting. Frances says "As new research comes out, we are able to improve what we do. There is tremendous satisfaction in applying a technique and seeing the improvement"​
Our modern clinic is located in Bolton town centre, making it easily accessible for all. We have highly qualified physiotherapists and excellent facilities to treat your musculoskeletal and sports injuries. Our physiotherapists also liaise with our other health professionals for a truly holistic approach.
We are a friendly and highly respected physiotherapy practice, based in Northwich in Cheshire. The practice was established in 1987 by Sheena Storah and was subsequently taken over by Amanda Horsburgh in 2002.