Catering Companies in
Chelmsley Wood

Looking for a caterer in Chelmsley Wood? Here you will find a comprehensive list of recommended catering companies with detailed business profiles, services, products, customer reviews and ratings. Get multiple free quotes!

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Recommended Catering Companies

Jinder Catering 0121 580 0081
West Midlands, West Bromwich, B70 9QP

distance: (19.5 miles)
We offer an elite catering service to suit your individual needs. We are renowned for the quality of our food and impeccable service. Our dishes are freshly cooked using only the finest and freshest ingredients. Capable of supplying traditional home cooked punjabi cuisine, from table service to buffet lunch or even karahi stands at your table.
Brittons Caterers Ltd 0121 359 0888
West Midlands, Birmingham, B44 0HL

distance: (12.9 miles)
Brittons Caterers are a highly acclaimed UK based caterer specialising in: parties, buffets, weddings, business events and funerals. With many years of experience in the catering industry, we provide total attention and detail to your needs. This dedication has made us an industry leader for catering in Birmingham and its surrounding areas. Whether you need a buffet for employees or a meal for VIP clients we can accommodate all your needs. 

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