in Liss

Looking for a photographer in Liss? Here you will find a comprehensive list of recommended photographers with detailed business profiles, services, products, customer reviews and ratings. Get multiple free quotes!

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Recommended Photographers

Gemma Klein Photography 01730 300457
Hampshire, Petersfield, GU32 2EQ

distance: (4.1 miles)
I am a contemporary and very passionate lifestyle photographer based in Petersfield, Hampshire. I photograph families, weddings, celebrations, events and everything else you can think of. My style is laid back and minimalist, focusing on unique connections between people, nature, objects and their surroundings.
Chevis Michael Photographer 01730 814864
West Sussex, Midhurst, GU29 9NF

distance: (12.4 miles)
Michael Chevis specialises in Weddings, Commercial, Fine Art and Sport, with a particular interest in Polo. He holds an archive of photographs from the area dating back to the 1950's, some of which have been brought together in his new book, "The Royals at Polo".

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