After a lifetime in the Martial Arts, Master Tony Rice 5th Dan Choi Kwang Do, founded Pil Sung Martial Arts in 2001. The goal was to create a family orientated academy that focused on teaching martial arts skills to both young and old to promote key core life values. These values are recited as a pledge by all students at the beginning of every class. Too often, martial arts is promoted as strictly a fighting art and the deeper meanings of martial arts and being a true well rounded martial artist are lost. Master Rice and all the staff of Yarm Martial Arts believe in not just creating good martial artists but good people. The core values must be present in all students and adhered to in everyday life. In teaching martial arts students for the last 20 years, Master Rice has had numerous students come to him and say that what they learned at YMA has helped them succeed and overcome obstacles that they have had to face.