Then it became more complicated as the lines became blurred as Robin Thicke would say. Tablets started to have keyboards that could attach to them. Desktop machines came in smaller boxes until they started to build them in monitors so you just had the keyboard and mouse plug into it and things will no doubt continually evolve as one thing morphs into another. So what’s best for you? I’ll try to explain what’s available and what each does and hopefully you will be able to decide what’s best for you. This name has developed for a computer that is built into a case of some sort. Shapes and sizes vary enormously. There are the standard ATX and micro ATX sizes that are still quite common, there are also gaming computers which are huge and there are devices that are small boxes about the size if a games console known as mini PC’s. So what would you want a large personal computer for if you can get it in a small box? Good question, it comes down to two things really performance and the ability to cheaply upgrade and repair.