Watermead offers unquestionably the best childcare for babies (0 Years) through to pre-school (5 years), as well as afterschool club (5 - 11 years) to the residents of Loughborough and beyond. It is also the only setting in the region inspired by the Reggio Emilia philosophy of childcare. Key to this philosophy is the understanding of the important roles imagination and discovery play in early childhood learning. Watermead offers a secure, safe environment, across two adjacent settings situated on a quiet residential street. Both settings are protected by CCTV in every room and access is restricted by a bio-metric finger print entry system – The only one employed by a nursery within the region. Children in our care can develop skills and experience activities that will have a direct impact on their future. They can experience the great outdoors through our Forest School, learn to play sports with our resident physical education coach, be stimulated in Kimble’s Music and Movement classes and even develop their artistic skills through with our resident art teacher. Everything we do is there to provide a stimulus rich environment where little minds can grow and we are constantly introducing and developing new ways of doing this based on feedback from the curriculum, parents and the children too.