I know how important it is to keep your beloved pets happy, relaxed and safe. The services I offer provide you with peace of mind. I take care and respect you, your pets and your property. I do the utmost to keep your pets happy, comfortable and relaxed while you are not able to — whether it's because you go on holiday, have a long day at work, are going out for the day or are just not able to provide for your pets’ daily needs. My name is Lara. I grew up in South Africa with a variety of dogs, cats and horses. After finishing school, I left home to start a course in Veterinary Nursing at Onderstepoort in Pretoria and I qualified with a Diploma in Veterinary Nursing. After qualifying, I took up a full time veterinary nursing position at a local veterinary practice in South Africa before leaving to travel. I spent time in Denmark and then the UK where I eventually settled after meeting my partner.