Having been introduced to a local healing group in 1998 as a result of personal loss, I discovered for myself the benefits and real value of natural healing techniques and, in particular, a very simple yet powerful technique called Reiki. I have had the privilege of being a Reiki Master Teacher since 2000 and I have, since then, also studied and acquired a number of other therapies and techniques which include Meridian Therapies (EFT), Indian Head Massage and hypnosis. With all these techniques, along with my own life experiences, I sensitively promote well being and help people to deal with life's situations i.e. stress management, weight management, smoking cessation, coping with bereavement, phobias and self esteem issues. I also became an Interfaith Minister in 2010. It was a truly amazing and often intense two year programme – an experience and journey of deep learning and self discovery. What a great honour it has been exploring different faiths and creating, experiencing and ministering very unique, personal, intimate ceremonies and services.