I’ve spent over 20 years as a functional nutritionist, and my whole life as a confirmed foodie, spreading the real food word far and wide, and helping people rediscover the best them and achieve real food every day. If you’re reading this, you care about health too, whether yours or a loved one’s. Coaching clients through a variety of health challenges is something I love doing, whether it’s losing a few pounds or recovering from a serious illness. I know how that feels, and that’s why I’m committed to helping you. I’ve developed a huge range of plans, resources, and even my own bespoke supplement range, to best help as many people as I can to have the support and tools they need for recovery and prevention. 25 years of practice has brought me to specialise in mental health nutrition, weight management, ME/chronic fatigue, gut disorders, food addictions, hormone imbalances, cancer recovery, and making real food achievable and enjoyable!