Thorne Manor Day Nursery and Preschool opened in 2004. It has been operating under this registration since 2007, and is a registered company limited by guarantee. It operates from a purpose-built building, which includes a gym, indoor/outdoor garden and an activity kitchen. It is situated on a working farm just outside the market town of Holsworthy, Devon. The setting is registered on the Early Years Register and on both the voluntary and compulsory parts of the Childcare Register. It may provide care for a maximum of 68 children under eight years of age, of which 42 may be in the early years age group. Overnight care is not provided. There are currently 102 children in the early years age range on roll, who attend at different times. The setting is in receipt of funding for the provision of free early years education for three and four year old children. The nursery is open each weekday from 08:00 to 18:00 for 50 weeks of the year. The holiday club for older children is open each school holiday from 08:30 hours to 17:30 for five days a week, excluding Christmas and half term holidays. The numbers of children who attend this vary. All children share access to a secure enclosed outdoor play area. The setting also operates a parent baby and toddler group on Tuesday afternoons. The setting employs two managers and 21 members of staff. Of these, 20 hold appropriate early years qualifications and three are working towards a qualification. The setting are members of the National Day Nurseries Association and have achieved level one in their 'Quality Counts' quality assurance scheme. The setting also receives support from the local authority.