We are one of the oldest Companies in the City of London but still actively supporting the craft, the City and those less fortunate. Number 31 in the order of precedence for Livery Companies, we were granted our Ordinances in 1365. The Aims and Objectives of the Company were revised in 2010 and reflect our dynamic approach to the present and the future yet at the same time remembering our past heritage. The Court of Assistants is drawn from within the Livery and reflects in its membership those disciplines which are needed for the Court to advise and help the Officers of the Company to run its affairs. The Master and Wardens are installed annually in October and serve for one year. Stewards serve for seven years and help to ensure the smooth running of functions and organise Company visits. There are six major committees; Freedom and Livery, Finance, Technical, Education, Membership and Social, each chaired by a Court Member