Acupuncture involves the use of single use, pre-sterilised needles to pierce the skin at acupuncture points. It stimulates the brain and spinal cord to promote natural pain-relieving chemicals such as endorphins, melatonin (promotes sleep) and serotonin (promotes wellbeing). Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a holistic approach which regards ill health as a manifestation in the body’s energy or QI (pronounced chee) where treatment is aimed at restoring balance. Amanda combines TCM principles with scientific evidence to relieve pain and enhance healing. Amanda has maintained her registration with Health Professions Council and Professional Chartered Societies CSP (Chartered Society of Physiotherapy) and AACP (Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists). There are many ways in which Amanda can help you. Whether a recently acquired injury, something which has appeared gradually or even small niggles that have the potential to become something more bothersome. It is always better to seek treatment sooner, problems which have been present for many months usually take much longer to treat.