Osteopathy promotes and supports the body’s natural healing abilities through physical mobilisation of joints and deep tissue massage which can help improve joint mobility, relax the muscles and increase blood flow to the tissues. It is a holistic approach to wellbeing, meaning that pain is not viewed in isolation but rather is considered within the overall context of structural balance, bodily function and lifestyle. That’s why, when you first visit me at my osteopathy clinic here in Harpenden, your initial assessment will include questions related not only to your presenting physical condition, but also to your medical history, lifestyle, diet and possible stressors.Osteopathic care involves delivery through a range of interventions which may include onward referral, health management advice, manual therapy, exercise therapy and others. During your first visit to my osteopathy clinic, I will look at your posture and ask you to perform a range of gentle movements, such as bending, walking or standing, so that I can assess your mobility and establish a diagnosis. This is usually done with you in your underwear, as is your ongoing treatment, so that I can see your body moving and carry out the hands-on techniques which are the basis of osteopathy. There is a screen for privacy while you are changing, and during treatment you can lie on the treatment couch beneath a towel, which I provide. Some of my patients like to bring a pair of shorts with them to change into for their treatment.