I qualified as an Osteopath and Naturopath in 1985 and began working in the Basildon area where I still practice at my own clinic, the Basildon Clinic of Osteopathy. I am also a qualified Zen Bodytherapist, Assemblage Point Therapist, Electronic Gem Therapist (dielectric resonance) and a holistic healer. I also trained over a number of years in Body Electronics Therapy, and other trainings in Reflexology, Ortho-Bionomy, Flower Essence Therapy, and Cranial Osteopathy. When I first qualified as an osteopath, I soon found that for me, the approach that worked best was one of deep tissue bodywork and osteopathic manipulation. I think that I am fairly unique in using this combination. A previous client calls my way of working as: "Deep, Direct and to the Point!" Fairly early on, I became known for working with high level athletes from all over the UK, particularly runners, who responded very well to my treatments - healing injuries and preventing further injuries as well as improving their overall performance.